Sunday, April 29, 2007

Criminal Activity at West Valley McDonalds...

From today's Tribune:

A sock-snatcher at a McDonald's playland in West Valley City holed himself up in a plastic treehouse when police came asking about his booty.
The 6-year-old bandit stuffed his pants full of children's socks while playing at a McDonald's restaurant about 6 p.m. Saturday. When he denied the deed, one parent called the police.
And so police came . . . chuckling.
"Make sure to take off your boots if you go into the playland," Sgt. Dusten Hansen e-mailed to a fellow officer.
When police reached the restaurant at 35 S. 56 West, the child fled into the restaurant's playland - his sock stash slipping out of his pant legs as he ran. The boy took refuge in a plastic treehouse.
With the help of an older child, police coaxed the boy down.
"It ended peacefully," Hansen mused.
The sock-snatcher and his grandfather were released without further incident.

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