I know that I have friends and family who are perplexed by the whole thing. They've never felt treated less than at church, and don't get why some women want to be like men.
First, I want to say that I love each of you, and I don't care if you disagree with me over this one. I'm used to loving people who disagree with me on various issues. I do hope that you can consider a few points here.
- These women are not trying to make women be like men. I personally wear pants 6-days a week and have not yet actually turned into a man. Pants don't make the man. Pants are an item of clothing that come in many different styles. Some casual, some dressy, some more masculine in design, and some very feminine.
- Some women do actually feel very real pain, and do actually feel like they are not treated equally at church. (Some have had real-life horrible experiences with unrighteous dominion.) Just because that is not your personal experience doesn't invalidate other people's experience. (Likewise, their experience doesn't invalidate your own, so there is no need to feel defensive. Nothing is under attack.)
- When people are hurting, it is unkind for us to respond by calling them names (silly, stupid, ridiculous, dumb feminist b****- just a small sampling of things I've seen this week), or telling them that they shouldn't feel the way they do. That doesn't fix anything. What they need is for someone to say, "I don't understand why you feel the way you do, but I'm sorry you are hurting. How can I help?"
- No one is showing up at church to disturb the meeting, or protest anything. Most people who are wearing pants or purple to church are doing so to say, "here I am, in support of my sisters or brothers who are hurting, and maybe I hurt to, so I'm going to mourn with those who mourn, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and hopefully someone will see that I could use someone to mourn with me, and to comfort me too."
Well said. I would type more, but it's sooooo late. :-)