Friday, February 24, 2012


House Bill 363 is a bill which would allow Utah Schools to drop sex education classes, and prohibit them from teaching about contraception if they choose to keep sex education classes at all.  Research shows this is not the direction we ought to be moving.

I understand the reasoning, that we don't want to give young people the impression that we approve of them becoming sexually active at young ages, or outside of marriages, but we have got to put the practicality and health and safety of our young people ahead of our ideology.  This bill is a message bill, and the message it sends is that our ideology matters more than our youth.

There are going to be young people who have sex before we'd like them to.  By not even talking about it, not only are we not preparing them to be responsible when they choose to have sex, but we're not even giving them tools to wait for sex either.

I'm deeply disappointed by the vote our state house has made today, and encourage everyone to contact their senators and ask them to vote no on this bill.  It's a mistake, and we owe our youth better.

Here's a great article on why Abstinence Plus education is the most effective.  Send the link to your senator, and let your House representative know that you're disappointed by his or her vote.


  1. Just emailed my senator. Sent a note to my rep to tell her I was disappointed. I hope the public outcry convinces the senate to act better.

  2. Just emailed my senator. Sent a note to my rep to tell her I was disappointed. I hope the public outcry convinces the senate to act better.

  3. How irresponsible it would be to take sex ed out of schools! Teen pregnancy rates are high enough! What is wrong with these people?!
