Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy (early) Father's day Dad.

I'm off somewhere.  Yesterday, we all woke up, and I felt bad that I didn't make my Mister a special Father's Day breakfast (because I was sick).  It was only today that I realized I was a week off.  In case I forget, or get off again, I thought I'd post this while I was thinking about it.

Some of my memories of my dad:

Sometimes I think my dad buys too many gifts, I used to try to stifle it more with my kids (and I do still encourage non-purchased gifts with my kids- like reading or playing with them) but I've learned that buying presents is one of the ways he shows love.

Once when I was sick (and this happened pretty much every time I was sick, but this one really stands out), he brought me a My Little Pony play set, that included a cloud that really rained.  It really made me feel better.

In Montessori school, someone had made fun of me, and I came home crying.  My dad told me I didn't have to go back if I didn't want to.  I did go back, but it was nice to know that my dad wasn't going to make me.

Once when I was too old for my dad to be carrying around (I thought anyway), I tripped while out on a walk with him, and skinned my knees pretty bad, my dad picked me up and carried me home.

I had invited my friend Jessica to sleep over, my dad drove me up to her house to pick her up, but instead of going on the road, he cut through the dirt field behind our house.  To get up to the street  (and back down again) he had to maneuver a sharp 3-foot-high incline.  It was awesome.

As a teen, I was jealous of all the cool activities the young men/scouts got to do, but not to worry, my dad took all the young women and leaders backpacking in southern utah (twice I think).  We called them, the "It is fair, hike".

In college, my dad drove an hour and a half just to take me shopping and out to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town.  Daddy/Daughter dates were the best.

On one Daddy/Daughter date, (well maybe more than one), he took me shopping for some new clothes, I tried on a huge stack of things and when it came time to pick what I wanted to buy, he suggested we buy them all.

I always thought my dad had amazing taste in clothing.  Turns out he used to just buy whatever outfit the mannequin was wearing.

The only time I questioned my dad's taste in clothing was when he wore his maroon shirt with red suspenders (he's colorblind, and thought they were the same color).

My dad is always helping those around him.  His heart hurts to see anyone in pain, or going without.

One of the nicest examples I can think of of what kind of man my dad is:  At book club last week, I was talking with some of my friends, and one (who has known my parents for a long time) told me about a funny article written by LDS satire columnist Robert Kirby.  Five Kinds of Mormons and I'll give a short overview (but for the full thing, read the link):

Liberal Mormons-not necessarily politically liberal, just not considered mainstream by the other mormons.

Genuine Mormons- practically invisible because of their low-key approach to the gospel. That and because they are rarely found at home, almost always being off helping others through some trial or other. GMs operate out of love instead of guilt. (there's only 12 of these in the world, and four of them are the three Nephites and John the beloved)

Conservative Mormons- the largest group of the 5 categories.  Most mormons, especially in Utah are this type.

Orthodox Mormons- if "no dating until you're 16" is good.  "No dating until you're 18" is better.

Nazi Mormons- Those of the "God is a BYU alumnus" sort.

ANYWAY, my friend said, George is a Genuine Mormon.  It's true, whenever he hears about a problem, he asks what he can do to help.  He cares about people.

Thanks for teaching me to care about other people.  Thanks for showing me that I can love the Gospel, even when I don't have answers for all of my questions.

I love you Dad!


  1. Your dad sounds a bit like my dad. My dad is cares about others to a fault. I don't think I've ever met someone who so sincerely cares about others as my dad. I always feel a bit like the whole "we're all brothers and sisters" concept sounds a bit stale until I think of my dad. I know he really feels that. Yay for awesome dads.

    Anyway, how the marathon training going. I wish I had a tread mill where I could watch movies while running. I went for a 6.5 miles run today, and it was really hard as well - psychologically. I was outside, and I just was bored the whole time. And it took me forever as well (77 minutes...). I just don't know if I can do the whole marathon thing.

    Oh, and I just showed my husband your blog after he read your comment about being neighbors. After seeing all your gardening endeavors, he's all about that idea. But, optometrists aren't in a good position in Utah, so...I think we'll keep looking elsewhere. :)

  2. :) Sometimes I wonder if marathons are worth how much work they are to train for. I guess we'll see after I finish the one in september if I want to do it again. Half marathons are sure a lot easier to train for without having to feel like I'm giving up everything else.

    When I run outside, I have my ipod set on shuffle which helps with the boredom a little.

    I don't usually get bored during races thankfully, because there are so many other people around to watch, and people cheering. The treadmill doesn't have a TV near it, but I put my Mister's ipad on a shelf in front of me and it works.

    Bummer on the no Utah thing. Dumb Utah health care monopoly.

  3. I get bored fairly easily. It was really nice when I trained for my half-marathon, because I did it wit a friend. We did all our long runs together, and we'd just chat during the whole run. It was a simple way to keep a steady pace (talking pace) and it definitely made the time go by fast.

    Now I'm all alone...and I just get bored while running, even when I listen to music. I do enjoy running outside though. Sometimes, I pass the time with thinking through all kinds of stuff. But if there is nothing controversial in my brain, it just gets a bit boring. Maybe I need to get an ipad and a treadmill. Haha.

    When we lived in Orem, we'd always go the rec center there, and I loved being able to watch TV while working out. Our YMCA here has the TVs so high that I can't really watch and run at the same time. Rough life. :)

    Oh yeah, and the health care monopoly in Utah - not good at all. I loved my time in Utah though, if I'm honest. Just yesterday I thought that I met many of my dearest friends during my time out there. Now I live in lame-o Ohio, and I don't have any friends...

    Maybe we'll come and be your neighbors after all. Who needs money anyways...

  4. Who needs money when you have a running partner! :)

  5. What a beautiful tribute to your dad, Al! I hope he got to read this for father's day:) Now I have to go read Kirby's article and figure out what kind of Mormon I am, lol! I think it's changed over the years...
