Of course, my camera is still MIA, so here's a picture from the website I got the idea from. Of course, my grapes aren't this big yet, they both just have one tiny leaf, but they're growing! I'll have my old unknown* grape variety when we move. Nothing makes grape juice like these babies!
*Officially unknown. As I wrote in my earlier post, they're called Agwumps, but I can't find any information on any grapes with a name anywhere close to that. They've been growing in this location for more than 40 years. I need to find out more information about them. Why do you always think of things you'd like to ask your grandmother when she's not around to ask anymore?
Picture from http://www.gardenhive.com/fruit/grapes/propagate/stem-cuttings/ |
*Officially unknown. As I wrote in my earlier post, they're called Agwumps, but I can't find any information on any grapes with a name anywhere close to that. They've been growing in this location for more than 40 years. I need to find out more information about them. Why do you always think of things you'd like to ask your grandmother when she's not around to ask anymore?
Yayayay! My toddler adores watering things too... like her brothers;)
ReplyDeleteWe have lived there more than 37 years, and they were very old when we moved in. I would expect they had been there, at a minimum 20 years before that. Probably quite a bit longer.
ReplyDeleteAny idea who might have planted them?