This time of year it should be especially obvious that it would be irresponsible to allow even more pollution. For our health, and the health of our children, lets all take a few minutes to write/call/email and let the powers that be know that we don't want more pollution.
From Utah Mom's for Clean Air:
Here are Five things you can do to help stop the proposed Petroleum Coke plant in West Bountiful:
1. Attend the Division of Air Quality Public Hearing, Tues., Jan. 13, 6:30 pm
DEQ Auditorium (Room 101), 168 N. 1950 W., SLC
Show your support by voicing your opinion or just showing up.
(If you need help formulating your ideas, communications Ph.D.student
Brenden Kendall is happy to help. Email:
It is critical that we fill the auditorium to show the depth of public concern.
2. 2. Submit your comments to the John Jenks at the Division of Air Quality by Jan. 15, 2009.
3. 3. Write or call Gov. Hunstman and your state legislators stating your opposition to the petcoke plant.
Locate your legislator on the interactive map for Utah House seats. and the interactive map for Utah Senate seats.
Send correspondence to the Governor at
Governor John Huntsman, Jr.
Utah State Capitol Complex
350 North State Street, Suite 200
P. O. Box 142220
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2220
Gov. Huntsman's Email form
4. 4. Send an email to Mayor James Behunin of West Bountiful: Even if you don't live in West Bountiful, pollutants from this proposed plant will affect you if you live along the Wasatch Front and he needs to hear from you.
5. 5. Write a letter to the editor to one or more local newspaper(s).
Like coal, petroleum coke is not a clean source of energy. We need to be investing in clean, renewable energy, such as wind, solar and geothermal, all plentiful in Utah.
Consolidated Energy says their plant will contribute just a little more pollution, but it is time to draw the line and reduce the pollutants in the air we breathe. The pollution from this plant would be the equivalent to putting 10,000 additional cars on the road.
The one million pounds of pollution from this plant will permeate the Salt Lake Valley for the next 50 years. The heavy metals from its smokestack will land on every carpet, counter top, playground, garden, and swimming pool and end up on the hands of every child.
This plant is especially dangerous to our children because of the many tons of toxic chemicals and heavy metals called "HAPs" (Hazardous Air Pollutants) that will be emitted. Even the Utah Department of Environmental Quality that is preparing to approve the permit admits that no amount of exposure to HAPs is safe. Even trace amounts of HAPs can cause genetic damage, cancer, brain damage, and metabolic and reproductive diseases. The unborn are the most at risk.
This plant is not needed to keep your lights on. Rocky Mountain Power has not asked for this plant and you may not even receive any of its electricity. While your family's health will be put at risk, you will receive no benefit or compensation.
More pollution in the Salt Lake Valley has a negative economic impact. It discourages new business, stifles existing businesses like tourism, and hurts your property values.
The pet coke will be imported from other states. The plant will collect this refinery by-product from throughout the West for incineration here.
I had heard some plant was coming but hadn't heard details. I will try to make the meeting and will write an email to one or more of the addresses you provided. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteI've written emails to everyone on that list. It took less than 5 minutes.
ReplyDeleteIn district 21, our senator is Dan Eastman (at least until Jan 20th), and our representative is Paul Neuenschwander,
After Jan 20th, it will be Dan Lilijenquist (who I don't have an email for, if you do, post it) and Becky Edwards
I searched to find more about this and found this petition.
Thanks Kari- sad that I'm only #59 on that petition!
ReplyDeleteThe information you posted was for the representatives of House district 20 (not 21) and Senate District 23.
For anyone who is curious, you will get the most bang for your protesting buck from #4 on the list (followed by 5, 1, 2, and 3). The best place to stop this is by making sure the mayor and city-council see the high level of concern - after all, they have to approve a zoning variance for this to go forward and they are the most likely to be swayed by public opinion.
This sounds like a local version of the push by Energy Solutions to import foreign waste - the only difference being that they propose to generate power from the waste they are importing.
Oh David! I should know better. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's what I get for doing too many things at once.
Thanks for the correction.
I have also signed the petition on line and think it's totally irresponsible and idiotic that they're even considering it.