Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Almost a year old!

I lost my camera somewhere in the move, so I haven't been talking pictures lately, but my Mr. left a camera home today.

Hard to believe C's almost a year old already.


  1. Good grief, these photos made me cry. Must be some evolutionary sort of thing. Just like babies seek to maintain proximity to their caregivers to avoid being eaten up by a saber toothed tiger, so does the "caregiver's" sister want to snuggle and protect and smooch said baby. And I thought I had almost abolished the idea of having another one. Dang. Dang old babies.

  2. Cute lil' guy!! Congrats! And yay for the chicks too!

  3. Wow! I can't believe that either! He's so cute! I love his little smile! How do you like your house? Are you all settled in?

  4. All the pics are so cute (and wow, even his eyelashes are red!) but my favorite is the one with the tongue. :P
