Monday, July 09, 2007

Clean Slate

My friend L is getting married on Thursday (YEA!!!!). Last weekend we had a "girls night" party. We ate dinner at the Mandarin (if I was saying we ate dinner at Applebees, I wouldn't say "the Applebees", but it looks funny typing Mandarin the same way...). Then we went to L's new condo. It is nice! It is so clean, and mostly empty.

Over the last several weeks I've been decluttering and throwing things away, but now I really want to get rid of stuff. I went through a drawer in the kitchen that is always overflowing with pie pans and bread pans and glass measuring cups and an odd assortment of school lunch containers. It looks better now (plus I got rid of the can opener which has never worked well-I prefer the hand type).

My BEST friend N is moving soon, so she's cleaning out her house to get ready to sell it, so I've been looking at my house in a new way... If I was trying to sell my house, what would I need to get rid of? It's kind of difficult since the kitchen is not finished yet and I don't have places to store my wheat grinder or my kitchen-aid vegetable slicer attachment, so they are in the living room on the book case. But I'm doing what I can.

Sometimes a purge feels good.

What I'd really like to do is start over in a new house (and a new car). It's fun to dream.


  1. I have to keep reminding myself that if I can't make my current house clean and clutter-free, I'm not going to be able to keep a new house clean and clutter-free.

  2. As long as you have children, your house will not be as clean and clutter free as you might like. But I for one am glad for your children. And your friend L's house will not stay so pristine for very many years either.

  3. I'm not aiming for pristine. I'm just going for relatively clutter-free.

    As my Mister and I discussed recently, it's okay to have stuff as long as everything has somewhere to go.

  4. Well, your recent efforts have sparked some interest here. G and I did some closet reconnaisance last night and have three large (33 gal) bags full of clothes we have not worn in years ready to go to DI. I have more empty hangars than I need now, and can hang clean clothes without difficulty. We still need to work on shoes and clothes in drawers though...

  5. It's catching isn't it?

  6. You need to come and take a tour of my pristine house. We dejunked, took three loads to the DI, filled our garbage can, ordered another one and filled it, too, and then filled the neighbor's cans as well. It looks almost TOO clean. The husband loves it, but it freaks me out. We realized that the best way to convince people that our house is big enough for them to buy is to move half our stuff out of it. But, it sold on the first day, so it must have worked!

  7. Moving was a good catalyst for me!
