My problem with cloth diapers is the cleaning them part. I could use a diaper service, but then I still have to have a diaper pail full of poopy diapers (and I think they still like you to rinse the worst of the poop off).
My other concern with cloth diapers is that they just don't absorb like disposables...
What to do...what to do...
Well, I stumbled across gdiapers.
I'm really interested. The Mister has complained about the horrible smell coming from our outside garbage can (although now that I think about it, he may be blaming that on the dog poop, not the baby poop...hmmm) and this would certainly keep the baby poop out of the garbage.
The worst part of the whole diaper clean-up would be cleaning the snap-in liners, but that could be done with wipes...
They're slightly more expensive than disposables, and I'm not sure what the shipping charges are, but I can get the liners shipped automatically every few weeks or once a month...
If anyone feels the desire to get me a baby gift at the appropriate time, I'd like some of these (unless I have a girl, because I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of buying adorable little girl clothes if they so desired (not that anyone has to buy baby gifts for a THIRD pressure...)).
If the liners are just wet, they're even compostable. Pretty cool.
I may just buy a starter set to try on my two year old...
Granted, this was YEARS ago, but when I used a diaper service with J., I thought it was a breeze. I used disposables here and there for convenience (traveling, etc).