Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm sorry gromit, the problem is, I'm just crackers about...

Not cheese, well, I do like cheese quite a bit, but tonight I'm referring to corn on the cob right out of the garden, sliced tomatoes, and steak on the grill.

I don't think there's a meal I enjoy more all year long.

I LOVE corn from the garden. There is nothing like it, and I wish we had room for more. We currently have two children who can eat an ear of corn as fast as their dad, so the six ears of corn we had tonight didn't go very far (I did get two for myself though).

As an update on the egg/no egg, we did get one yesterday, and one again today.

Also, since I am talking about self-sufficiency (which only sounds like "efficiency" which this is really about), I looked up tankless water heaters online today. I had always assumed that you had to have one at each location in your house that you wanted to have hot water at. Apparently, you can just get one (or two depending on your hot water usage) and locate them in the typical hot-water-heater location. The kind I saw cost about $700 each. For the house we would like to build someday, we would want two just in case we happened to have two showers going at once.

Here's the link for them...


1 comment:

  1. My last breakfast is as noted, my last dinner would have to include fresh garden corn with the tomatoes and maybe a venison steak off the grill.
