Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No Time to Rest

While I was at girls camp, the Mr. worked on the deck. We found a flyer for it at the grocery store "free if you can haul it away".

For "free" stuff, the Mr. can be pretty determined when it comes to figuring out the "hauling away" part. Here it is (and notice the side rails in place in two spots, I did those...)Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Since we had so much dirt piled on our driveway from digging out for the deck, we decided to fill in all the flower beds and create a new bed in the front yard around the pine tree. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This morning I cleaned out the chicken house. This was the first cleaning it has had since the chickens moved in, about 10 weeks ago. I scooped out all the sawdust/chicken poop (fertilizer, yea!) and dumped in into the compost bin so it can "finish" a little more before it gets used in the garden. Then I refilled the house with fresh sawdust (thanks dad!) and spread the rest on the ground in the run. The girls were enjoying digging in it. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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